第二屆香港古樂節: 尋源之旅
2nd Hong Kong Music Festival 2021: A Historical Journey
The Pipe Organ in the Town Church of Waltershausen

Photo by Stefan Kießling
Join concert organist Stefan Kießling in The Pipe Organ in the Town Church of Waltershausen , a two-part video series featuring the largest Baroque organ in Thuringia, Germany, brought to you by the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival.
I. Guided Tour by Stefan Kießling
Stefan Kießling takes us to Waltershausen, a historic town in central Germany, and offers a virtual tour of the world-famous pipe organ in the Waltershausen Town Church. It is the biggest Baroque organ in the region and largely preserved in its original state of 1730s, making it an invaluable reference for studying organ music from the Baroque period.
II. Organ Recital by Stefan Kießling
Stefan Kießling presents an organ programme of J.S. Bach, Johann Ludwig Krebs and Dieterich Buxtehude at the Baroque organ in Waltershausen Town Church, showcasing the sonic variety and beautiful tone of the splendid instrument.
Stefan Kießling, host and organ solo
Concert organist Stefan Kießling has toured in more than 24 countries across Europe, North America , Africa, Australia and Asia, with solo performances in venues such as St. Thomas Church, Leipzig, Konzerthaus Berlin, St. Thomas Church, New York City, Washington National Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey, London.
From 2009–2018, Stefan served as Assistant Organist at St. Thomas Church, Leipzig, where J.S. Bach served for the last quarter-century of his life. In addition to his performance career, Stefan conducts masterclasses and workshops, sharing his musical experiences and insights with young organists.

今屆香港古樂節,德國管風琴演奏家傑斯寧(Stefan Kießling) 會擔任美樂嚮導,在一連兩集的《瓦爾特斯豪森教堂的管風琴》中帶您到德國中部古鎮,認識該區一座歷史悠久、外型宏偉的巴羅克管風琴。
傑斯寧會用瓦爾特斯豪森教堂的管風琴,演奏巴羅克代表作曲家巴赫 (J.S. Bach) 、布斯泰烏德 (D. Buxtehude) 以及巴赫的高徒基利比士 (J. L. Krebs) 的作品,為您展示這座歷史名琴聲音多變、音色優美的特質。
傑斯寧 (Stefan Kießling),主持、管風琴獨奏
管風琴演奏家傑斯寧 (Stefan Kießling) 曾在歐洲、美國、非洲、澳洲和亞洲超過廿四個國家演出,曾舉行獨奏會的場地包括萊比錫聖多馬教堂、柏林音樂廳、紐約聖多馬教堂、華盛頓國家座堂和倫敦西敏寺。