第二屆香港古樂節: 尋源之旅
2nd Hong Kong Music Festival 2021: A Historical Journey
《古鍵琴知多D 》
Getting to Know the Harpsichord

Join harpsichordist Kenneth Yeung for Getting to Know the Harpsichord, a series of four episodes brought to you by the 2nd Hong Kong Music Festival, 2021.
The harpsichord and the piano may look alike but, in many ways, they are two different instruments, each with its own distinctive sound. The harpsichord was a crucial instrument during the Baroque period and played an essential role in music-making before the mid-eighteenth century, when the piano became more popular. The harpsichord, however, has enjoyed something of a revival since the early twentieth century and its musical potential should not be neglected.
Along with our hosts Lee Wai Shan and MeElena, Ken will introduce the fundamentals of the harpsichord including its interesting history, distinctive styles and vast repertoire. Ken will also provide useful tips for players and demonstrations of effective practice techniques, making the practice session full of fun and taking technical and interpretive skills to the next level.
Getting to Know the Harpsichord is designed for music students at all levels and all ages. The series will also provide useful materials for music teachers, students and pianists – all of those who want to know more about this glorious instrument!
Highlights of each episode:
Episode 1: Knowing the Harpsichord
Episode 2: Knowing Baroque Dance Music
Episode 3: Knowing Baroque Ornamentation
Episode 4: Bach’s French Influence
Kenneth Yeung is a doctoral candidate in Historical Performance on historical keyboards under the tutelage of Elisabeth Wright at the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University. A versatile player of keyboards and strings, a scholar and a director, Kenneth is in frequent demand internationally.

第二屆香港古樂節邀請古鍵琴演奏家楊奇峰(Ken 哥哥)與節目主持珊珊姐姐和慧慧妹妹,帶來一連四集《古鍵琴知多D》,與您投入精彩的巴羅克音樂世界。
《古鍵琴知多D》會以深入淺出的手法為您講解古鍵琴和巴羅克音樂的基礎知識,包括其中的有趣歷史、獨特演奏風格和豐富曲目。Ken 哥哥的例子示範,不僅令學習過程充滿樂趣,更助您將演奏技術和音樂理解提升至更高水平。學生、音樂教師、家長,以及所有喜歡音樂的朋友都可以樂在其中。
楊奇峰 (Ken 哥哥)現為美國印第安納大學積可斯音樂學院博士侯選人,於古鍵琴演奏家 Elisabeth Wright 教授指導下,主修早期鍵盤樂器演奏,並以 鍵盤演奏家、弦樂演奏家、學者和指揮身份,在國際間廣受歡迎。